Because they bring so much joy to our home and into our lives! It's amazing how one little wiener dog can change your life. Our dachshund story began with Penny. A 5-year-old rescue and two other wonderful mix breed shelter rescues as well. In 2022 I retired from my 30 year career as a Registered Nurse and in early 2023 I knew in my heart I needed another doxie. In October we brought home our first of now four long haired miniature dachshunds, Major Tom. He filled our hearts! Because of Tom we wanted to help others experience the love of a dachshund so we decided to breed. In July 2024 we brought home Lucy. She is high-spirited and in charge. Henry VIII arrived in August, He is a sweet quiet lover with big green eyes!. In October, we added Annie. She is kind, cuddly and she loves her mama! Our house is full of chaos and non-stop zoomies. I never knew 4 sets of 2 inch legs could sound like a herd of baby elephants thundering through the house! They are why I Breed! They bring Joy!